
Monday, July 24, 2017

Social Quilting and the Lovely Bee Swarm

One of my goals this year has been to be social with my quilting. I have been looking for opportunities to connect with other quilters, participating in things like Quilts for Pulse and Quilts for Peace.

"49 Hearts" made for Quilts for Pulse
This quilt hangs at the Dallas Police Department in memory of the five officers lost on July 7, 2016. I made the two heart with stripes. Our neighbor and friend, who is an officer for our local country department donated the patches.
I've also met new quilty friends by participating in quilt alongs, where someone posts a pattern in steps and quilters from all over work on the same pattern together. Earlier this year, I finished Bonnie Hunter's En Provence Mystery quilt.

Locally, I made charity quilts with my church's quilting group. This quilt found a home in a Russian orphanage. 

I haven't participated in any swaps yet. I always seem to hear about them too late. But, I did get into an online quilting bee this year sponsored by Blossom Heart Quilts. My "swarm" is the Lovely Bee Swarm. Here are the blocks I've made so far this year. 

In addition to meeting a new group of quilters, it's been fun to dig into my stash and make blocks I might not have considered if not for this group. 

In August, it's my turn to be the queen bee! I chose the Abacus block in deep purples and lavenders. 

I'm so excited to receive happy mail when I get back from vacation. Before I left, I already received this block and goodies from one of my swarm members! So much pretty purple!!

Do you do any social quilting? I'd love to hear about it in the comments!

You can see what else I'm up to on Instagram. Follow me at dejongdreamhouse.


  1. Hi Jen,
    I love the block you picked as queen bee. Such a pretty, happy block. I cannot wait to see what blocks you get back, and how they come together. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Your blocks with the stars and black background fabric are gorgeous! And your bee block is beautiful, too. They are going to make a stunning quilt.

  3. Hi Jen! I love your goal--to socialize more! What a great way to share your love of quilting. You have so many projects it's hard to comment on them all but what sticks out for me is your En Provence mystery and your Queen block. Gotta love purple! Thanks for linking up to Wednesday Wait Loss!

  4. Your quilts are so wonderful! Looks like you managed to do some social quilting. I do belong to a small group that gets together once a month to sew on whateve r project we want.

  5. Looks like you've had a very busy week! I love the purples you chose for your Queen Bee Abacus block. Thanks for linking up with TGIFF @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge!

  6. No social quilting for me - tried it a few years ago, but found it difficult to fit into my schedule. Some things are more important than others!


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