
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Rain Barrel Installed!

I wrote a few days ago that our city is making a big push to encourage residents to install rain barrels, and is putting on a workshop in March. As an added incentive, the city is giving free rain barrels to the first five residents who signed up, and $50 vouchers to the next 20. Yesterday we got a call that we were the first to sign up!

After a few discussions with the city and Hoffman Garden Center, it turned out that the city was looking for a place to film a rain barrel installation for the workshop and our home is in a perfect location. So, this morning, Sarah and Chrissy from the city, Bill from Hoffman Garden Center and a film crew came by to film our installation.

I didn't get to watch the whole thing as a certain adorable three-year-old loves his mommy too much to let me out of his sight or be quiet on the set, so I only got to see the beginning. Good thing we'll be at the seminar. If local readers attend, they may see said three-year-old screaming in the window. Oops.
Getting set up.
Two styles of rain barrels. We have terra cotta one. And Hoffman added the stone foundation, as well.
Bill Hoffman of Hoffman's Garden Center.
Installation in process. 
D watches from the sound-proofing ICF walls.
The finished product:
Looks great, eh? 

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