
Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekend Update: dream house edition

I was a bit disappointed to discover that the installation of my quartz kitchen countertops got delayed from today until Friday. Sigh... 

Todd was at the house to deliver that bad news to me before he left to attend the funeral of Charis Homes co-owner Glenna's dad. That sure puts the delay in perspective. We weren't alone though. The mudroom was getting tiled and Jim was working on electrical. 

Here's an update from the weekend:

Sunday, Niels and D dropped off some light bulbs and watched a bit of the grouting process.
Grouted foyer up close. To the right is the powder room and to the right is the closet.
Grouted foyer this morning, looking into the powder room.
Close up of the silver schluter at the end of the tile where the carpet will begin in the great room.
One last look at the foyer looking almost finished, before the floor got all covered up.
Making progress laying the mudroom tile.
Should be done today! This reminds me that I'm on a mission to find baskets that will fit under the cubbies.
D will be very happy when he sees his airplane fan installed. We bought this before we even broke ground. For about a week he carried around the package and asked us to put it up.

In our room, the fan light and control has been installed. There is also a handheld remote.
While we aren't finishing the basement right away, we have been having some discussions about what we're going to do. There are important things like support beams and water mains that can't always be perfectly predicted when you design a plan, and unfortunately, these things made a mess of my exercise room plans. So, this weekend, we outlined space for a new room.

We are thinking that we will quickly frame up the mechanical room and storage room. Hopefully within a few weeks of moving in. 

The support beam challenge.
 Water Line:
Another little surprise this morning was that there was something wonky with the water line so someone was digging a big hole.

I didn't quite understand what he was doing and what he was accomplishing, but he was done by the time I left.

So, this week should still see more lights up, all the non-carpet floors done, the final trim complete (the little piece along the baseboard), my quartz and marble in the kitchen, and hopefully, some of the plumbing!

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